Can no longer receive BBC after the switch to 2D. I have a Grundig gds 300 and just recently changed my dish from 90 to 125 cm (solid) - still no luck aligning it properly and getting none of the horizontal frequezies or BBC channels.
Im now thinking about getting a new LNB (current one is a Grundig 0.7 db universal).
What can you recommend ? What should I look for ?
How about the 3180 Golden Interstar Universal (0.3 db) or the dual version of the same LNB GI-202 Golden Interstar Twin ?
I saw someone recommend another one, I think it was called Invacom or such ...
Soren - Denmark
Im now thinking about getting a new LNB (current one is a Grundig 0.7 db universal).
What can you recommend ? What should I look for ?
How about the 3180 Golden Interstar Universal (0.3 db) or the dual version of the same LNB GI-202 Golden Interstar Twin ?
I saw someone recommend another one, I think it was called Invacom or such ...
Soren - Denmark